Harmostat Bleed Management Kit

  • HARMOSTAT sterile gauze pack
    [150 x 150 mm]

  • HARMOSTAT absorbent gauze


A novel dressing in wound care with the ability to accelerate clotting time resulting in stoppage of bleeding (homeostasis) in humans and animals.

The medicated gauze is known to have hemostatic properties such as promotion of platelet adhesion, platelet aggregation, and platelet activation.

This is a new method & means for haemorrhage control to reduce future haemorrhage morbidity and mortality.

A novel wound care system for stopping life-threatening situations

Ready to Use

Effective, Versatile & Painless

Sterile and Antibacterial

Bleed management system
Stops moderate tosevere bleeding

Highly flexible and can be adapted to injured parts

Has a shelf life of 4 years

  • Properties

    1. It consists of poly-glucosamine and a polysaccharide coating.
    2. Can be easily removed without pain on the surface.
    3. There are no known side effects. It is a biocompatible material with non-hazardous, non-toxic properties and no known side effects.

How to Use

1Open the kit and wear the provided pair of gloves to provide first-aid.

2 Remove the blue packet and place the Harmostat biopolymer-coated sterile gauze on the bleeding surface.

3Firmly press and hold it on the bleeding site for 2-5 minutes.

4Tie up with absorbent gauze.

Mechanism of Blood Clotting

  • Biopolymer is a molecule with positive electric charge, which strongly attracts and bonds with the RBC cell membrane which is negatively charged, resulting in blood clotting.
  • Biopolymer swelling action leads to absorption of body fluids. This molecule has antimicrobial properties as well which can keep the wound safe until treated.
  • The bleeding timeline is significantly less which indicates that the bioploymer-based dressing is superior to standard gauze dressing


Military Injuries

Fire Accidents

Construction Accidents

Car Accidents

Pet Injuries

Adventure Sports Accident

HARMOSTAT absorbs, exudates, cushions the wound, hides the wound from view and provides a barrier from contamination and can save many lives by stopping the bleeding.


Why is a bleeding control kit necessary?

Bleeding control kits are becoming more and more necessary to handle unintended injuries. Both the general public and the emergency services have access to these kits. In cases of catastrophic bleeding where applying pressure is insufficient to stop the bleeding, bleed control kits are crucial.

What makes Harmostat Bleed Injury Control Kit different from a First Aid Pack?

Medical tape, gauze, and cold packs are typically included in basic first aid kits. It is a standard item in every home, workplace, and vehicle. While basic first aid supplies are tremendously helpful, they may not be able to stop the bleeding that poses a risk of fatality. The Harmostat Bleed Injury Management System, on the other hand, are trauma kits that can be used by paramedics or even bystanders who have training. Our kits come with everything needed to stop bleeding injuries. They are not intended to cure burns, minor cuts, or abrasions rather, they are intended to treat excessive bleeding and haemorrhaging.